Objective of the Porlammi Dairy

The long-term development plan for the Porlammi dairy is due to be completed by 2035.

Zero carbon footprint

In 2020, Porlammi Dairy started an experiment by implementing a solar power system to generate electricity for our own use. Solar power is an excellent fit for our energy needs: the cold chain for producing safe food starts with us, and when the demand for energy is high—especially on warm, sunny days—solar energy is abundant.

The results and experiences from this solar power experiment help us make decisions and choices to further increase the use of renewable energy sources. If the experiment proceeds according to plan and the investments are deemed feasible, the solar energy output at our factory is expected to reach 300-500 peak kilowatts within five years.

Porlammi Dairy Began its Solar Power Experiment in 2020

The long-term development plan for Porlammi Dairy is expected to be completed by 2023, but efforts to achieve carbon-neutral operations started immediately. We are carefully reviewing the current state of operations and exploring various development options, while considering the environmental impacts of actions already taken and those planned.

Efficient use of raw materials to minimize waste is a significant way to reduce our carbon footprint. Our new production control system provides us with better tools to plan the longest possible shelf lives for our products, well-timed and appropriately sized production batches, and better raw material procurement.

Packaging Safe Food and Reducing Carbon Footprint Our new products already feature a lighter carbon footprint packaging alternative that still ensures good product shelf life and protection.

We are constantly challenging the recycling, reuse, and repurposing of raw materials, packaging materials, cardboard, plastics, and metals used in our logistics chain to make our operations as carbon-efficient as possible.

 Since our production facility is located near Finland’s logistics center, we aim to plan deliveries and transportation so that vehicles are as full as possible and travel the shortest possible distances—of course, with safety in mind and maintaining the cold chain.

Energy-Efficient Lighting and Water Use Minimization We have updated our lighting system to meet both current and future requirements. LED lights save up to 90% more electricity compared to traditional incandescent bulbs. We continuously replace lights and refine their control systems.

“Cleanliness is half the food.” This is why our plan is not to reduce water use, but rather to minimize unnecessary water consumption. Water-saving faucets, washing workwear in appropriately sized batches (while considering hygiene, of course), and many other small-sounding measures together contribute to reducing unnecessary water use and increasing our appreciation for the World’s Purest Water.

Our main raw material, the milk produced by our owners, is a key part of our production. In dairy farming, we have already begun implementing measures aimed at achieving carbon-neutral operations. These actions are leading to the development of operational models that will help us continue improving Porlammi Dairy’s processes.

Effective self-monitoring and a systematic approach help us achieve our goals and identify the right areas for development. Our five-year non-production investment plans focus on efficiently recycling waste produced in production, improving heat recovery, and enhancing the energy efficiency of cold storage rooms.